April 16, 2012

What Books Would You Recommend + Updates

I recently won some Amazon credit, so I'm putting this out there ... what book(s) would you recommend? Seriously, I'd like to hear some suggestions. If you have a suggestion for me, please leave a reply with title, author, and perhaps why you recommend it. Although I do tend to go for paranormal or historical romances, I'm not limiting suggestions to those genres.

On another note, a little while back I created a couple more Persona images from book covers that I liked. So I wanted to post them here in case anyone is interested in using them. The Firefox browser is needed to use. Of course, they also work with the Mozilla Thunderbird email client as well. :)

Now, as I previously mentioned, I'd gone to an open casting call (for extras) for the movie Promised Land which is written by and stars Matt Damon and John Krasinski. Well, today I got a call from the casting agency and I'm scheduled for a two day shoot next week in a town not more than 10 miles from where I live. Plus, they've scheduled me for another shoot next month for a three, possible four, day filming. I'm so excited!

I have to admit that I was worried that I wouldn't be chosen because of the fact that I had skin cancer on my face a little over a year ago, and after having it removed and repaired, I'm left with a couple scars across my right cheek. So, I have a bad habit of thinking that I would not be selected because of that even though I'd already done two movies since the surgeries.

Maybe I'll post an update about how the filming goes. Of course, I won't be able to say too much. I'm sure I'll have to sign a confidentiality agreement. :)