Title: A Night of Southern Comfort
Author: Robin Covington
Genre: Contemporary Romantic Suspense
Publisher: Entangled Publishing (June 15 2012)
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NOTE: Story is for mature readers due to the sexual content.
One night of passion...
Jackson Cantrell never imagined that one night with an irresistible
stranger would turn his life upside down. He’s spent years living in the
shadows, but Dr. Michaela Roarke awakened a passion inside him he'd
buried years ago.
He never expected the woman would turn out to
be the governor's daughter...and his next assignment. The governor
blackmails Jackson to secretly watch over Michaela and protect her from a
stalker, or kiss his dream job at the FBI good-bye. Swearing to keep
things strictly professional, Jackson moves in with Michaela. Too bad
his heart can't keep the same promise.
But when the stalker's
attacks quickly escalate beyond mere photographs to bodily harm, Jackson
must race to save Michaela's life. And he’ll have to figure out how to
keep her once she discovers his lie.
Michaela Roarke goes out to celebrate her new life, not expecting anything more than to have a drink or two alone at a bar, but when she see Jackson Cantrell in his tux, her plans change. Although they knew that their anonymous night tonight was just that, one night, they never forgot.
When they meet again, a month later, the sparks are still there, but now Michaela is in danger and the prime suspect is her controlling father. Governor Eastland forces Jackson to watch over his daughter. Despite that, Jackson doesn't want to see any harm come to Michaela anyway, so with the help of Lucky, his cousin and partner at the Roanoke Police Dept., they must figure out who is after Michaela before it's too later.
I have not read a lot of romantic suspense books up to this point, and I really don't know why. A Night of Southern Comfort is a great story. Kayla and Jackson are really great together. I very much enjoyed the romance between them. Even with Jackson trying to convince himself that he needs to stay professional around her, their chemistry cannot be denied.
With Kayla's dating history, she worries that any guy interested in her is only after her father's favors. But with Jackson, things are different. She let's down her guard with him. She feels completely free for the first time in her life. I like her strong willed personality, yet she has her vulnerable moments as well.
Now, although this might seem like a really odd thing to like about the book, I'm going to say it anyway. I liked the fact that Kayla was said to often visit The Southern Comfort diner, in which Jackson's mother was the owner, to have a piece of pie and not once, whenever pie was involved or mentioned, did Robin Covington feel the need to add things like: "I know I shouldn't be eating this..." or "If you eat too much of that it will make you fat." or any other negative comments towards Kayla's enjoyment of her pie! That was kind of nice actually. Of course, I did laugh at Jackson's reaction when he found out that her 'usual' is a sweet tea and a piece of chocolate peanut butter pie.
Apart from the romance aspect of the story, I rather enjoyed the interaction between Jackson and his cousin Lucky. They grew up together, they know each other so well, and Lucky tells Jackson the true whether he wants to hear it or not. Even when Jackson would rather pick a fight with Lucky than listen to him, Lucky is always there when he needs his help.
There was a point at the end of the book where I thought that Robin could have easily ended the story there but she didn't. I'm grateful for that because I loved how she did end it. I look forward to reading more of Robin's work in the future!
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** I received a digital copy of this book for a giveaway win at The Romanceaholic.
Great review. I might have to check this one out.